mardi 8 mai 2012

No-Source Netlabel - Another Day, Another Way

Très belle compilation pour fêter la cinquantième sortie du netlabel...

Another Day, Another Way



1. Multi-Panel - Christmas with Mr. Rice
2. Full-Source - Prior To (Alt. Vers.)
3. Cocolixe - Swing Low
4. Tardiss - The Light Between
5. pEACEFANq - Colonial Builder's Mastery (For Felsenmeer) v.2
6. Limited Taste & Full-Source - Daylights Prior To Mourning Sun
7. Naked House - Basement
8. MeDo's Little Trap - Lake
9. Age - Journey
10. Artic Appleseed - Chipembere (Trad.)
11. Ross Baker - Clouds in the Shape of Clouds
12. Book of Burrow - Worm
13. James Murfet - 17oct2010
14. Dmryra - Fin
15. San-Ei - Footnotes

Merci à La Bèl Netlabel pour l'info!

Infos & Téléchargement: No-Source Netlabel

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